Frequently Asked Questions

  • * Do you have a GPA cut-off when selecting students to work with?

    No. I have students who have come to me because other counselors turned them down due to their low GPA/low test scores.

    My coaching philosophy is that my work with students should add value and improve their admission chances. This explains why I do not have 90% of my students all getting admitted to the Ivy-league and single-digit acceptance rate colleges. Students who come to me with a GPA of 3.2 will not stand a chance at those colleges regardless of which counselor they work with in the application process.

  • * Do you have affiliations with any programs or organizations to connect your students with?

    No. I customize each of my students' activities based on their interests, strengths and weaknesses. No two students get the same path for their extracurriculars. I help students with their applications to programs as well as submissions for writing competitions.

  • * What types of extracurriculars do you recommend to your students?

    Other than involvement at school clubs or sports, many of my students do self-initiated projects that align with their academic and personal interests. Many of them also attend competitive programs. 

    Examples of self-initiated projects include:

    - engineering projects such as conversion of an old car to an EV car

    - business projects such as on-campus laundry/shoe-cleaning shop at a boarding school, online bake shop and instagram accounts with specific themes

    - TEDx talks

    Some summer programs/competitions my students have been admitted to/attended include:

    - Yale Young Global Scholars

    - COSMOS

    - UCSC Science Internship Program

    - UCSB Research Mentorship Program

    - John Locke Institute Global Essay Competition

    - Stanford Cardiothoracic Surgical Skills and Education Summer Intern

  • * What types of students work well with you?

    I apply a flexible, customized style of working so I have students of different personalities and work styles.

    In general, students who are self-motivated and always reach out to work closely with me tend to see the best outcomes.